STDR Simulator (2D
multiple robot simulator)
Simple Two
Dimentional Robot Simulator (STDR Simulator) is a 2-D multi-robot
Unix simulator (Figure 1). Its goals are:
Easy multi-robot
2-D simulation
STDR Simulator's
goal is not to be the most realistic simulator, or the one with the
most functionalities. Our intention is to make a single robot's, or a
swarm's simulation as simple as possible, by minimizing the needed
actions the researcher has to perform to start his/hers experiment.
In addition, STDR can function with or without a graphical
environment, which allows for experiments to take place even using
ssh connections.
To be ROS
STDR Simulator is
created in way that makes it totally ROS compliant. Every robot and
sensor emits a ROS transformation (tf) and all the measurements are
published in ROS topics. In that way, STDR uses all ROS advantages,
aiming at easy usage with the world's most state-of-the-art robotic
framework. The ROS compliance also suggests that the Graphical User
Interface and the STDR Server can be executed in different machines,
as well as that STDR can work together with ROS Rviz.
Instruction (for Ubuntu Indigo)
1. Download:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-stdr-simulator
2. Run STDR Simulator:
roslaunch stdr_launchers server_with_map_and_gui_plus_robot.launch
3. Run Rviz for visualization:
roslaunch stdr_launchers rviz.launch
4. Load a map:
5. Load a robot in a map:
6. Open the robot creator:
7. Add sensors / Load sensors:
8. Manipulate sensors:
9. Save / Load robot:
10. Control the robots with your keyboard:
10.1. Install:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-teleop-twist-keyboard
10.2. Launch keyboard control:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=robot0/cmd_vel
> You can choose the robot you want to control, by changing the robot0/cmd_vel to robot1/cmd_vel and so further on.
11. Read sensor:
rostopic list
11.2. Read for example the laser sensor of robot 0
rostopic echo /robot0/laser_1